“The thing to remember when traveling is that the trail is the thing. Travel too fast and you miss all you are traveling for.”
Louis L’Amour
Read MoreIt’s been a bad day at work. A vision-squeezing stressful kind of day. When the headache persists after a cup of tea, comfort food and some venting, one of us somehow summons the motivation to get out. And then, faster than second thoughts, we are out the door with our bikes. Out to the fields, […]
Read MoreIn contrast to conservation where natural tends to be preferred to synthetic, and control of our environmental destiny seems to be further from reach than we would like, synthetic happiness is within reach. Happiness is very trendy these days. I was just sent a whole playlist of happiness talks and in the last two years have […]
Read MoreAlone on the bend in the road, legs pedaling, breeze blowing. Adam is a few curves ahead, there are no cars around. Only the whir of my bike and soft squeak of my chain fills the silence. It’s just me. The road and me. I can stop if I want. I can go if I […]
Read MoreMarch 9th, climbing “Take Forever”, graded 5b, 38 meters long… We recently took a break from biking to climb for a week near Thakhek. It had been months since I’d last jammed my feet into my too-tight climbing shoes and tied myself to the end of the rope. I dipped my hands in my chalk […]
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